Annoying. As far as custom firmware is concerned, at present it's neither very robust nor fully compatible with all backups - huge strides were made since the very first CFW graced our Nintendo handhelds, but it's just "not quite there" yet, no matter how you look at it. Want to play an exciting, brand-new title or access the eShop? Well, you can't, because Nintendo's just rolled out a new update, and it's not working on EmuNAND yet. Running EmuNAND (emulated NAND) is a good solution here, but Nintendo diligently fights against this practice with each new firmware update, forcing developers to come up with work-arounds for their pesky patches.
#Virtue's last reward 3ds emulator for mac update#
Not only that, in order to stay on said exploitable firmware users have to jump through hoops - avoiding constant update nags is just one of the many problems one has to deal with. Unfortunately, both of these methods require the system to run an exploitable (9.2.X-X or lower) version of firmware, and finding a system like that can be quite a chore, not to mention a substantial expense.

There are many ways of running backups of your favourite games on your N3DS/3DS - some users choose to invest in the famous Gateway 3DS flashcart, others run full-blown custom firmwares. Team Sk圓DS' video demonstration of the new product